Latin American stock markets fall with Wall Street and Europe


BOGOTÁ .- Most Latin American Stock Exchanges closed today, in the same line as Europe and Wall Street, after a new day marked by trade tensions and amid criticism of US President Donald Trump, monetary adjustment of the Federal Reserve.

Thus, the industrial Dow Jones fell by 0.53%, and subtracted 134.79 points, to 25,064 In addition, the composite index of the Nasdaq market, which include major technology groups , lost 0.37% or 29%. , 15 points, up to 7,825.30 full

Wall Street remained red all day, discouraged by escalating trade tensions between the United States and the European Union, which announced today As he prepares measures to meet the possible imposition of new tariffs on auto imports

President Donald Trump's criticism of the monetary adjustment of the Federal Reserve also influenced because he said that he was not "enthusiastic" about interest rate hikes, although he said he was "let be consider better" for the economy. "

Similarly in Europe, where investors were waiting for the presentation of business accounts, they ended up in the red in Frankfurt (-0.62% Paris (-0.56%), Milan (-0.40%) and Madrid (-0.33%), while London rose by 0.10%.

With this reference on the market At the international level, most Latin American prosecutor's offices closed down with the exception of Sao Paulo and Montevideo

The Plaza de México (19459004) fell by 0.52% and closed at 48.747.79 points after operations of 10.047 million pesos (about 528.2 million dollars).

The corro de Buenos Aires decreased by 0.85%, to 26,814.42 units, after negotiations for 368.45 million pesos (about 13 million dollars).

The prosecutor's office of Santiago ] yielded 0.12% in its main index, the IPSA, which closed at 5,371.21 in total, after a day with an amount of Shares, which reached 87,385,979,017 pesos ($ 131.80 million).

The Stock Exchange of Valores de Colombia lost 0.31% of its capitalization index (Colcap), which was parked at 1 547.3 4 points, after movements for 50.967,82 million pesos ($ 17.6 million)

And the index S & P / BVL Peru General fell by 0.33% to reach 19,965.79 units, with a total On the other side, the Stock Exchange Sao Paulo grew by 0.16% and its Ibovespa index closed at 77,486 whole, after a stock exchange for 10,342 million reals (about 2,688 million dollars).

And the round of the Montevideo Stock Exchange rose 0.27% and was established at 109.91 points, after a sale of 52 shares. 040,058 pesos (1 & 669,824 dollars)

The evolution of the Latin American stock markets was as follows:

	     Market closing points
SAO PAULO + 0.16% 77,486
MEXICO -0.52% 48,747.79
BUENOS AIRES -0.85% 26,814.42
SANTIAGO -0.12% 5,371.21
COLOMBIA -0.31% 1,547.34
LIMA -0.33% 19,965.79
MONTEVIDEO + 0.27% 109.91

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