Laura Zapata: the villain of successful Mexican telenovelas and his family drama | PICTURES Trade | TV | Farándula


Laura Zapata the wicked Mexican telenovelas "María Mercedes", "Rosa salvaje" and "La usurpadora", among others, will arrive in Lima to participate in the filming of the second installment of "The worst of my weddings" , directed by Adolfo Aguilar

The 61-year-old actress has always had to speak on behalf of her controversial characters, but also for her family clashes and personal controversies

mother, Yolanda Miranda In 2011, Laura faced family problems, particularly with Thalia, for the legacy left by her mother in the United States.

He said that Thalía "charged them in the waters of my mother's wake "and pointed out that her mother's sisters did not give her everything that corresponds to her mother's inheritance.

Despite the differences that they have, the Wife of Laura and Tommy Mottola was reunited for the celebration of the 10 0 years old of Dona Eva Mange, the grandmother of both.

The meeting of Ms. Eva Menge was intimate (they attended less than fifty people) and took place in the house of the 61-year-old actress, who lives with her grandmother and takes care of her. since the death of Yolanda Miranda Mange, the mother of Thalía and Zapata


15 years ago, Laura Zapata and her Sister Ernestina Sodi lived one of the most bitter moments of their lives, both were kidnapped leaving the San Rafael Theater, where the play "La casa de Bernarda Alba" was presented to which Zapata participated [19659009] The abduction took place on September 22, 2002. Laura Zapata left at eighteen days, but her sister Ernestina was sixteen days older with the kidnappers is

Once out of the reach of his captors, Laura Zapata worked in coordination with the Federal Investiga In order to capture his captors, he never thought of escaping the country.

Later, Ernestina made Zapata responsible for his abduction in a book entitled "Deliver us from evil."

In the photo gallery that accompanies this note, she knows a little more about the Mexican actress.

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