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Due to the rise of artificial intelligence, China manufacturers of sex dolls began to implement new functions in these products, so as improve the experience of their customers. Learn How These Famous Dolls Are

The Case Of Sex Dolls For Adults Is Not A Novelty In Several Asiatic Countries As Beijing Where L 39; Advanced Artificial Intelligence (IA) has led some entrepreneurs in this country to incorporate more and more modern technology into the famous dolls to provide a better experience to their customers.

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Simple conversations to the eyes in movement, arms and torso are some of the new functions that Beijing entrepreneurs have implemented in sex dolls.

Customers can customize their dolls by choosing several appearance options, such as height, hairstyle and eye color. However, the features of AI in the dolls are still very basic. In fact, they can answer questions, but can not hold long conversations.

According to the manufacturers, the doll uses the vocabulary by connecting to a database supported by the Chinese technology giant Baidu

WMDOLL The biggest Chinese sex dolls admit that the improvement of the features of the wrist has been difficult, but emphasizes that they will add more advanced technologies … for example, by moving the limbs more naturally, "he explained.

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He also pointed out that every year they sell 20,000 sex dolls, whose price ranges between 10,000 and 50,000 yuan ($ 1,470 to $ 7,350). ]

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