Liberal media fired by conservative website mocking Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in Satire Video


There are some things the Liberals do that make you want to smash your face against the desk. This is doubly for their allies in the media. Allie Beth Stuckey of Conservative Review decided to have a little fun with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the democratic left-wing insurgent (Socialist Democrat), who delivered to the progressive wing his own moment Eric Cantor , cutting Democratic top Joe Crowley (D-NY) in a major challenge. Senator Bernie Sanders has a good company. She also wants free stuff for everyone, and she wants to abolish immigration and customs enforcement. She was called the future of the Democratic Party, but her July 13 interview with Margaret Hoover of PBS, which hosts William F. Buckley's revamped firing line, provided much fodder, remarkable because she did not know what she was talking about.

Regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, she admitted to not be an expert, while supporting a two-state solution, which she avoided three days after the PBS interview. Oh, and unemployment is low because everyone works two jobs. We will come back to this in a moment, but Stuckey has decided to make a fake interview to parody the appearance of PBS. This has already been done before, but it has become viral, exceeding one million views. Apparently, not everyone was able to see what was flagrant, providing another episode that the liberal media totally embarrassed. Also, Washington Post you should know better, come on, guys:

Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, the candidate of the New York Congress, whose democratic socialist campaign has put a flash in the world of democratic politics, seemed to give bizarre answers in a 2½ minute video that was staged as an interview with conservative commentator Allie Stuckey on the CRTV website. Ocasio-Cortez shook her head "no," when Stuckey asked her if she had any knowledge of the functioning of the political system and seemed to imply that Venezuela was in the Middle East and was a model of socialism.

portrays a real interview, despite its caption: "Allie * grilles * congressional expectation and progressive it girl" Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez "on his socialist agenda and his knowledge of the government … or his absence . " Instead, he used excerpts from an interview Ocasio-Cortez did with PBS earlier this month spliced ​​to appear as answers to questions read by Stuckey.

After an uproar, the Facebook page for the Stuckey show, which the social media giant gave an informal imprimatur in the form of a blue check, was updated to note that the video was satirical and include a reference to the original PBS issue. But the fact that the video has traveled so widely – and for some, seemingly credible – has served as another example of how misleading information continues to thrive in the fast flow of information in line, despite Facebook's promise to eliminate it.

Disinformation is not totally illegal according to the community guidelines of the company – a topic that has sparked a lot of talk recently – and neither the satire, of course, but the video, seems to be safe. be confused between the two before being labeled. Facebook moderators may downgrade false information to slow down their spread and are able to add a "satirical" categorization in other cases, but the fact that the video has been so broadly disseminated before it is released. be updated by CRTV shows the speed at which information can flow.

And for many skeptical eyes, the video was obviously fishy and staged. But he seemed to be taken seriously after he was shared on some conservative trend pages on Facebook, and was seen about 1 million times before the company published the clarification to his caption.

This is because it was satire, morons ! The Daily Show does this, something that has been clarified by some on social media when the outrageous outrage occurred during this video. A producer at Vox even decided to put on his True Detective hat, stating that it only took him a minute to determine that the video was not real. It only took him a minute .

Fortunately, there are other media that have called this fusion absurd, while others have noted that maybe some on the left have been slow to understand that the CRTV video was satirical because they have never watched PBS 's interview. ; Ocasio-Cortez. The Socialist Democrat then took social media saying that the GOP is so scared of it that they are making dummy videos because we can no longer deal with reality. Well, the reality is that we are all laughing at you. Yes, you will win your election, but do not expect to shake things up when you arrive at D.C .; some Democrats are saying that now. But your ideas are not really, madam. Even the factual verifiers have called you on your unemployment remarks. And Ocasio-Cortez is supposed to have a degree in economics.

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