Line 3 of the metro would be executed under the modality of public works | Economy


The government is advocating the possibility of making the Lima metro line 3 via public works, as is the case for the work of the Pan American Games in 2019, explained the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC).

"For the Line 3, we are inclined to run via public works with a state-to-state agreement like the one we are already working on at the Pan American Games.", Said the head of the sector, Edmer Trujillo at the Andina Agency.

In this line, he said that lines 3 and 4 of the Lima Metro were formulating studies, which would be ready for the future. first half of 2019.

"This leaves us enough time to define as a state what will be the business model of the two lines.For Line 4, we will immediately launch a call for tenders (second half of 2019) for the execution of another business model, "he said.

The minister explained that the government had modified the outsourced studies of the previous administration (Humala) in order to see only the viability of the project and not the pre-investment up to the allocation envisaged previously.

He pointed out that this decision was made because previous studies proposed for lines 3 and 4 an economic model similar to that of line 2 of the Lima metro "which has already proven to be not the best" .

"It's an economic model in which the state loses its bargaining power against the private concessionaire," he said.

"What's happening in line 2 is that we have a private company that manages $ 5,300 million against the hands of the state, so the state often has to ask about to do things, "he said.

Chinchero Airport

Minister Trujillo also stated that Chinchero International Airport was also will be executed via public works with a government-to-government agreement.

"Some states, such as Turkey, Canada, the United States and France, want to participate and compete to become the chosen state to make these investments, we are doing a very important job," he said. he points out.

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