Lisa Page, Former FBI Lawyer, Meets House Signs About Anti-Trump Texts


Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, left, arrives at the Capitol on Friday. (Andrew Caballero-Reynolds / AFP / Getty Images)

Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page will meet in private on Friday with members of both House committees about anti-Trump messages that she exchanged with another senior office official. evidence that political prejudices tainted Justice Department investigations arising from the 2016 presidential election.

Page arrived at Capitol Hill at approximately 1:30 pm The meeting was to last several hours

Legislators of the GOP threatened to hold Page in contempt of Congress if it did not take steps to speak with lawmakers before Friday. His texts with FBI agent Peter Strzok, with whom Page had an affair, were the subject Thursday of a hearing before the Judiciary Committees in the House and the monitoring and the government reform. Strzok, who previously met both panels in camera, was grilled by lawmakers for 10 hours.

Thursday's hearing has often turned into screaming. Democrats and Republicans discussed the fairness of the questions asked of Strzok. under the orders of the FBI not to address certain issues related to the ongoing investigation of the special advocate Robert S. Mueller III on Russian interference in elections and if any of President Trump's associates helped these efforts. Strzok defended himself as an impartial agent in conducting his official duties, even though his texts – including a note in which he says "we will stop" Trump from becoming president – revealed that he had a low opinion Trump as a candidate

Peter Strzok, while he was involved in the investigation of the use of a private channel by the FBI, is likely to undergo the same review – and probably more pressure to answer questions. mail server in 2016, exchanged text messages with FBI lawyer Lisa Page who were critical of Trump. (Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images)

The Judicial Committee initially assigned Page to meet them on Wednesday, but Page Amy Jeffress' lawyer denied, arguing that his client needed more time to review relevant documents – including all messages sent her work phone – before discussing the issue with lawmakers because she had access to these documents only on Tuesday.

Republicans have alleged that Strzok's personal political biases may have influenced the decisions he's taken while that # 39; he was one of the leading FBI officials to investigate the use of an email server by Hillary Clinton while she was a state secretary and allegedly related to Trump. Strzok denied these allegations, indicating a report by the Inspector General focused on the Clinton inquiry, which found no evidence that Strzok's apparent impartiality affected his decision-making.

Page worked for former FBI Deputy Director, Andrew McCabe the small group of senior officials who take care of these polls. Strzok's views on Trump dominated his Thursday hearing, as GOP lawmakers criticized him for his lyrics and urged him – usually unsuccessfully – to reveal information about the investigative measures and decisions that he made. he had taken. made in the Russian probe. But his relationship with Page has not escaped scrutiny.

"I can not help but wonder, when I see you looking with a small smile, how many times have you looked so innocent in your wife's eyes and lied to her Lisa Page? "Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) asked Strzok – prompting one of the Democrats' many cries.

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