Lithium found in Puno would reduce Peruvian dependence on copper


The recent discovery of 2.5 million tons of lithium in Puno will allow the diversification of ores mined and exported by Peru in the coming years.

This was estimated by Roberto Casanova-Regis, a partner in the KPMG tax zone in Peru, who considered that the project would not only attract the interest of investors, it would also contribute to the diversification of mining exports, since private participation is required for the exploration and production phases . "The Falchani lithium mine will have a very positive effect on the economy of our country.First, will allow us to diversify our mineral exports and not just focus on copper, given that at that time, its price tends to drop due to the trade war between the United States and China, "he told Gestión newspaper

Cars, batteries and a price growing

Lithium, which is not traded like other minerals, but whose prices are negotiated directly between the producer and the customer, to be used for batteries in the early 90s.

Since that time , the great development of the market smartphones tablets and computers next to the electric car blew up the price of metal especially from 2015.

If at the beginning of the years 90 the use Lithium battery corresponded to 6% of the demand for lithium it is today about 40% Total In 2021, according to Cochilco one s 39; expects 59% of the total to be used for automotive batteries and electronic devices

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