Lithium mine: What is the purpose of this metal in the industry? Trade | Economy | Peru


It is true that the increase in the sale of electric cars and the development of batteries for technology-related products have increased global demand for lithium (Li), this metal has several other uses. Chile and Australia are the two countries that export the most this product, however, following the discovery of a lithium mine in Puno Peru

The Canadian company Macusani Yellowcake reported that it has discovered proven resources for 2.5 million tons of lithium and 124 million pounds of uranium in the Falchani deposit in Puno (only in the East).

Ulíses Solís, general manager of Macusani Yellowcake, project operator located on the Macusani Plateau, at 4,500 meters altitude, said that with this discovery, the Macusani project is about to become one of the five or six largest in the world.

Discover in our gallery what are the main uses of this metal in the industry.

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