Luis Advíncula has three offers from Europe after the World Cup, revealed in Mexico


Lateral will return to the "Old Continent" soon

Luis Advíncula prematurely ended his participation in the 2018 World Cup Russia with the team Peruvian but he would still pack it to return to "Old Continent". because three teams from this part of the world are planning for next season.

According to the Mexican media Mediotiempo, an internal source of Tigers ] (owner of the club of his pass) revealed that the Peruvian has an offer of Spain (to go to lend), one of Russia and another of Besiktas of Turkey .

LEE TAMBI ÉN: DT from Sao Paulo on Christian Cueva: "The information I have, it's that it part " [19659003] In the popular Mexican project, Tigers agreed to extend the Advíncula to [1945900] 6] Lobos BUAP assignment for one more season, so at this time he should report to the institution that hosted him in the last tournament, although everything indicates that it will not be for several days.

& # 39; Bolt & # 39; would live his fourth European experience, after playing for the Ukrainian Tavriya Simferopol Hoffenheim of Germany Vitoria Setubal of Portugal ] and Bursaspor of Turkey .

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