"Luis Miguel did not have any clothes when I met him"


The actor Roberto Palazuelos did not take his portrait in the fiction Netflix " Luis Miguel, Series " and made known several time. Now, the interpreter says that when he met 'El Sol & # 39; from Mexico, the singer's family was in financial difficulty.

"Yo a Luis Miguel I know him because he was my neighbor in San Jerónimo.We saw him coming and he had no clothes to his arrival, as bad as financially, Leonardo García, the son of Andrés García, gave him pants and sneakers to put on. artist in an interview with "El Universal" of Mexico.

Roberto Palazuelos also told the anecdotes that he lived with Micky in childhood. "I tried Chavillo, we were from the group of Héctor Suárez Gomís, the 'Osito & # 39; García, we were going to play on the hill, we entered the river and we had springs and then I stopped seeing a lot of time. "The performer, who participated in" Muchachitas "and" The Fea Más Bella, "said that 16 years later, he met again with the Mexican divo, who met with the politician Miguel Aleman." It was a very quick meeting at a restaurant in Miami, I'm not sure. was very happy to see it, I saw it very well, "he recalled.

The actor and entrepreneur pointed out that" Luis Miguel, the series " information errors when recreating their relationship with & # 39; El Sol & # 39 ;.

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