Luis Miguel: The actors said goodbye to the series on Instagram Trade | TV | Series


The last episode of "Luis Miguel, The Series" aired on Sunday, and many cast members made moving farewell messages to Netflix's production

. of the series, which captivated the audience week after week, was shot by his Instagram account . Maybe some of them will not come back for the second season, but for now there are no details about it.

The Spanish Óscar Jaeneda, who played the role of Luis Miguel's father, was one of the actors who used his Instagram account to say goodbye. . "Luis Rey on his first day of recording, today's last episode of Luis Miguel for Netflix, thanks to all those who are part of it," he wrote

the Italian actress Anna Favella, who played the mother of "El Sol" shared three images and a behind-the-scenes backstage video, which he called "Remembrance."

The artist who played Luis Miguel as a child, Izan Llunas, used his Instagram account to thank Luismi and Oscar Jaenada. "Thank you Luis Miguel and you, Óscar Jaenada, playing Luis Rey, you have been the worst villain, the best villain," he said.

Another actor who said goodbye to the series was César González. He played Hugo López, director of Luis Miguel. "Luis Miguel, the series" as it started for me, in October 2017. Saying goodbye to family and friends, traveling alone, then I met wonderful people, so that more later, more wonderful people can be reached chapter number 13. Amazing Thank you! Thank you! "

The famous youtuber Juanpa Zurita, who played Luis Miguel's younger brother in the Netflix series, shared pictures with Diego Boneta , Camila Sodi and Óscar Jaenada. "Today is the last episode of" Luis Miguel, the series. "I share photos with you when you save it, thanks to all of you for your love and dedication to the series, I n & # 39; Do not think you're ready for the end – added with the images on Instagram.

Finally, Mexican star Camila Sodi shared a photo of her person Erika and the message "Thank you for your love".

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