Luis Miguel, the series: C is the figure that "El Sol" accused of exposing experiments in the production of Netflix | Photo 1 of 5 | Shows | International shows


Nothing is free, and even more so when it comes to telling the most intimate secrets of one. Carlos Bremer one of the entrepreneurs behind … Luis Miguel, the series & # 39; and intimate friend of the singer, announced how much the 'Sol de México & # 39; was paid for having approved the production of Netflix and Telemundo .

In an interview with the newspaper La Reforma de México, Bremer revealed the figure that he received Luis Miguel for the first season.

"You'd better open the wallet (at Netflix) because to win-win, you have to pay, if I was it (Luis Miguel) I would not accept less than 10 million US dollars he was paid for the first season more than US $ 5 million (…) I believe that nothing less than double or triple should be accepted. "

Without no doubt, it is a figure that was worth it given the great success of the series that stirred all the Lainoamerica and revived the career of Luis Miguel .

On the other hand, Bremer also talked about the second season expected of "Luis Miguel, the series" and said that when everyone wins, they win. He also announced that the series had already been sold to Televisa for broadcast on open television.

Without a doubt, the life of "Micky's" sells a lot.

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