"Luis Miguel, the series": Luis Miguel's daughter reveals "the key to success" that his father advised him | Shows


Michelle Salas is known to have deposed Dolce & Gabbana in addition to being image for marks Cartier and Chanel . Luis Miguel's daughter studied Fashion Design in Los Angeles and worked for Carolina Herrena in New York.

Michelle Salas is also an influencer on Instagram, but despite all her accomplishments, most viewers still know her to be Luis Miguel's daughter! And is the "Sun of Mexico" enjoying a popularity that is reborn with the first season of "Luis Miguel, series ."

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Luis Miguel's firstborn has enjoyed fame since she was recognized as her daughter in 2007. This detail is also said very quickly in "Luis Miguel, series " , so in an interview with Vanity Fair Spain Michelle Salas tells the details of her personal life and her relationship with her father

"One is not born know how to handle the media, and 39, is a matter of practice.In adolescence, you are more insecure, more vulnerable, but in recent years I have a very good relationship with the press, before you run away, now we we understand each other, "says Michelle . (The fame of his father), because I was still very small and still did not do anything for me, they were asking me about my family, and I felt that I had nothing to say, I I had neither work nor projects, I was still in school Now, I appreciate the support of the press, you learn to cultivate this relationship and Take it well. "

When asked about the best advice she received from Luis Miguel, she revealed:" That, if you have discipline, no matter what you are or what you do. The key to success lies in the timing, the timing and the development of your own method. "

Michelle Salas finished the interview by defining Luis Miguel as" very human. Laugh, hot Contrary to what it seems. "

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