Luisana Lopilato gave birth to a girl: that name put her | Trade | TV | Farándula


The actress Luisana Lopilato and the Canadian singer Michael Bublé become parents of a girl. On Wednesday, her third baby was born in Canada. This has been reported by various Argentine media.

Vida is the name of the small, last heiress of the former figure of the soap opera "Rebelde Way". The choice of name would have to do with the difficult period that Noah, the eldest son of the couple, went through a few months ago.

As we remember, Noah had to face cancer but with the support of his parents through his respective artistic careers) came out ahead.

Luisana Lopilato –mega argentina on the social network Instagram– visited Peru last May to promote the movie "Perdida", based on the book "Cornelia" By the journalist Florencia Etcheves

At that time, the actress born in Buenos Aires was already pregnant for a few months, so she let her "belly" appear on the red carpet of the Jockey Plaza.

Noah Bublé Lopilato (the eldest son of the couple) was born in 2013. Three years later, Elías Bublé Lopilato was born.

While at some point they faced rumors of separation, the couple eventually established themselves as one of the strongest in the entertainment environment.

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