Lula denounces the political charges against Rafael Correa | news


From Curitiba Prison, the former president of Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva sent a letter to the former president of Ecuador Rafel Correa expressing his solidarity for the arrest warrant against him and denouncing that both suffer from political judiciarization.

Lula who addresses the leader of the Citizen Revolution as his "esteemed companion" He asserted that just like him, the Ecuadorian leader is "a victim of the judiciarization of politics" and expresses its conviction that "justice will finally triumph and our peoples will democratically decide on the future of our countries and America". Latina. "

An extract of the message sent to Rafael Correa, signed by his own hand, Lula shared in his account of Twitter minutes before the President Ecuadorian will publish a photograph of the letter.

>> Correa denounces the judicial maneuver in Ecuador to imprison him

I send my solidarity with the assurance that justice will eventually triumph, and that our peoples will democratically decide on the future of our countries and Latin America. A big hug.

Rafael Correa thanked his friend for his struggles and assured that "they will not be able to resist our mountains of dignity, truth and justice, adding another message: "they will be able to imprison our bodies, but not our ideals." With a "Venceremos!"

In addition, the vice-president of Venezuela Delcy Rodríguez also joined in the rejection of the political persecution against Rafael Correa through his social networks

Bolivarian politics repudiated the " imperial criminalization " against "progressive, nationalist movements and leftists of the Great Motherland. "

The National Court of Ecuador ordered Tuesday pre-trial detention against Rafael Correa, alleging the non-compliance with the precautionary measure which forced him to appear every 15 days in Ecuador, although he appeared before the consulate of the South American nation in Belgium, where he resides currently.

Correa denounces that the Ecuadorian justice imposes a "condition impossible to fulfill". "Obviously, they want me to go so that they will not let me out, they want me to be imprisoned or alienated but immobilized," he said. former president.

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