Lyudmila Rudenko, the champion of chess that marked an era – 27/07/2018


On the occasion of the 114th anniversary of its birth, Google paid tribute on July 27 to Lyudmila Rudenko, the second woman to win the Women's World Chess Championship, a title she's held from 1950 to 1953.

Rudenko was born on July 27, 1904 in Lubny, a city in Ukraine that was then part of the Russian Empire.

  Lyudmila Rudenko is devoted to chess thanks to her father, who taught him to play when she was ten years old. / Wikipedia

Lyudmila Rudenko is devoted to chess thanks to her father, who taught her how to play when she was ten years old. / Wikipedia

Despite his taste for swimming (discipline in which he even won some titles, like the 400-meter championship of the city of Odessa), Lyudmila paid close attention to chess, a game that it's clean. father taught him to practice when she was only ten years old.

After graduating with a degree in economics, Lyudmila moved to Moscow for a time and started playing chess professionally, winning the city championship in 1928.

After crossing the Russian capital current, he settles in Leningrad, where he will meet the scientist Lev Davidovich Goldstein, with whom he will marry and he would have a son in 1931. Meanwhile, Rudenko began to train under the command of maestro Peter Romanovsky and was three times champion of the Leningrad championship.

During the Second World War, Rudenko organized and enrolled a train to evacuate the boys. of the Leningrad siege, one of the most destructive confrontations of the armed conflict. In spite of his success in chess, it is this fact that Rudenko has always considered as the supreme achievement of his life.

In 1950, after the death of Vera Menchik, the World Federation of Chess organized a tournament to determine who would win the vacant title and become the second player to win the World Championship Female Chess

Rudenko became the winner of the championship held in Moscow, and held the title until 1953 , when she lost against Elisaveta Bykova.

In 1950, In 1956, she was appointed International Teacher, and in 1956 she received the title of Grand Master, paving the way for thousands of women to follow the discipline.

Lyudmila Rudenka passed away on March 4, 1989, at the age of 81, in Leningrad. Even today he is remembered for his achievements, the same ones that earned him entry into the Hall of Fame Hall of Fame in 2015.

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