Magaly Medina on her return on TV: "When I have news, I'll let you know" Trade | TV | Farándula


The Animator Magaly Medina reveals that she has not yet defined her future on television, having been separated from the Peruvian string in May

. I'll let you know, I'm still resting and I'm a housewife, "said the reporter in an interview to Trome newspaper.

The last few months, Magaly Medina shared with followers from their social networks, photographs of trips that he made and said that he will continue to travel around the world.

"Yes (I will continue to travel). Next month I go to Miami to enjoy the sun and in September I travel to Italy, to a friend 's wedding. I will travel with my husband, "she told the media

. On the other hand, Magaly Medina explained the reasons why she did not attend the wedding of her colleague, Milagros Leiva. "I was not invited in. We know each other, but we are not friends."

Magaly Medina stays away from the screens after being "temporarily" separated from Latina and her show " The Purita Verdad "was raised in mid-May.

This occurred because the journalist "celebrated", through her Twitter account, the sanction imposed by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) on Paolo Guerrero

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