Magaly Medina: The driver reappears on television and will talk about her return | Photo 1 of 4 | Shows | Farándula


After almost six months of small screen, Magaly Medina returns to television and nothing less than by ATV.

Medina will be today with Beto Ortiz on the show "Beto a Saber".

"After five and a half months, 166 days, 3984 hours, 239,040 minutes, 14,342,400 seconds, Magaly Medina reappears this Wednesday at 10 o'clock in the evening in Beto Saber, by mountain bike", was learned at the promotion of the program.

Magaly Medina returns to the small screen and the ATV after her stay in Latina.

In this chain, there were two programs, the last being "La purita verdad", the same one that had been suspended last May after the driver had celebrated and "hailed" the unfavorable decision rendered by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS ) against the captain. Paolo Guerrero.

Latina, then promoted Canal del Mundial, did not remain silent and pronounced strong by separating "temporarily" Magaly Medina not to coincide with her "vision".

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