Maite Perroni: "I want to do different things"


Maite Perroni is already settled in Lima where she arrived to offer two presentations. The Mexican singer and actress was happy to be back in Peru after thirteen years of absence. "I am happy to meet the Peruvian public again, and missed them so I will take full advantage of this meeting," said Maite, who spoke about her musical proposal.

"This concert will be very varied, We open the show with the urban proposal, then we leave for pop and bachata and then we continue with the urban festival, I take a walk through the different genres in which I I have approached, so I can assure you that what I bring is since I took my first album my intention was precisely to be able to share the message that, as && # 39; latin artist, I want to do different things, a little bit of everything ",

YOU CAN SEE Maite Perroni:" The urban genre does not discredit women "

Maite assured that the music is the best language that exists. "It's the best and there's so much variety and possibilities, I've decided to share the stage with the audience and share the music that makes you dance, that makes you vibrate," he said. the Mexican artist. Lince Xbio Nightclub; and Sunday 08 at the Congress Center of Bolivar, Pueblo Libre.

Maite also recalled his time to RBD . "They always ask us if there will be a meeting, but although we like the idea, it is very difficult to specify because we are all with personal projects and different things in our career, it is difficult to coincide with a generational movement so strong but left us very beautiful memories that are in my heart, "he noted.

The singer said that with the music, will continue his career as an actress. "I just finished the recordings of the telenovela Papá a toda madre that is broadcast in Peru and in the next few months I will see other projects, for now, I am the protagonist of a movie entitled Dibujando el cielo which opens in August in Mexico, the cinema is totally different from television in all respects and we hope that people like it and will see it. "

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