Malambo will have its sewage treatment plant – Barranquilla – Colombia


The Minister of Housing, Camilo Sánchez, arrived in the municipality of Malambo, in the metropolitan area of ​​Barranquilla, to know the progress of the works of the purification station which is in progress. execution in this locality. 19659002] The official visited the project in the company of the governor of the Atlantic, Eduardo Verano, and the Mayor of Malambo, Efraín Bello, in which he pointed out that the work which has a value of 20.961 million pesos and records a 30 percent in its execution should be developed within 18 months.

"We do not only think of concrete construction equipment, but with this work we take important steps to recover the water plans and avoid environmental contamination in Malambo "Sanchez noted.

The governor, Eduardo Verano, said that the project will affect 119 thousand inhabitants that you currently Malambo, with a future projection of 185,000 inhabitants.

"This work will generate a great social and environmental impact and will be one of the many lifeguards required by the Malambo marsh and other water plans of this municipality that for many years claimed its inhabitants, "noted Verano.

With this work, we take important steps to recover the water plans and avoid environmental pollution in Malambo

Efraín Bello explained that according to the report of Interventoría (Consorcio Aguas de Malambo ) is currently working on the fronts of the optional ponds, the conformation of the slopes, in the lagoon 2 the 8 faces are already at the level of the final design and finalize the external and internal faces of the dams (

He also pointed out the 39, progress of works on the fronts of Ebar, Reactors and Impulse line.This plant includes a pumping system with a capacity of 351 liters per second and according to a scheme of two pumps with similar characteristics , each of them being selected for 50% of the discharge capacity of the factory.

the pumping will be sufficient to raise the wastewater up to the level of 10.50 which is the point arrival at the cargo tank in the facility, so that it can be continued to the other units of treatment by gravity and without additional energy costs. [19659010] fb_pixel_id = 359534717784560;
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