Maluma and her controversial photo in bed with many women


The Colombian singer was accused by his followers of treating women as "sex objects"

Maluma never leaves the news. This time, the 24-year-old singer is in the eye of the storm for posting a picture in which he appears surrounded by women in Instagram where he has over 34 million followers.

In the above image, Maluma appears with several women in underwear on their bed. The snapshot had thousands of comments of all kinds. For most of her fans, the performer of "Happy the Four" treats women as "sex objects".

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 Maluma women Instagram

As explained Maluma The picture is part of the promotion of his new video clip " Mala mine a song that he recorded with his colleague and also controversial Bad Bunny. Through his stories, the Colombian said that he was happy for the next version of the song, saying that "I needed this malevolent side, so I decided to do it." "Mala mine"

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" Maluma a talent, but what a pity it wastes it in songs where the woman is only seen as a "sexual object", writes a follower of the social network

Maluma n & # 39; is not the first time accused of reifying and denigrating women 'Four babies & # 39; in which he shares credits with Noriel, Bryant Myers and Juhn, has elicited the indignation of thousands of people around the world for their words against the female gender

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