Manchester United: Sir Alex Ferguson reappears in cameras after his painful cerebral hemorrhage │ VIDEO


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Sir Alex Ferguson suffered three months ago from a stroke that deprived him of any action that would bring him closer to the club of his life, Manchester United took the problem as his and his Is busy with the "best coach in his history". The most complicated moment of his existence.

The admirers of Sir Alex Ferguson have a reason to smile because today, very early, the sports director of the "red devils" was referring with much affection and gratitude to them. Thanks to his Twitter account, Manchester United has left the thanks of the former Scottish coach to the world of international football

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"Just a quick message, first and foremost, thanking the medical staff of Macclesfield, Salford Royal and Alexandra Hospitals," said the liked "Fergi" for English football. "Believe me, without those people, who have given me a lot of care, today I would not be sitting here." His first words to the fan and all the people concerned about him.

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"Thank you from me and my family, thank you very much, it made me feel so humble, like all messages from all over the world, wishing me the best, my best wishes resonate with me, so thank you for the support you have given me. Closing his emotional message Sir Alex Ferguson with a promise after a battle that has so far vanquished him.

"Finally, I will come back later in the season to see the team. Best of all for Jose and the players, thank you very much. "So, an iconic global football character will visit his" Old Trafford "home again, and he will be seen as still supporting his Manchester United for life.

Sir Alex Ferguso won 38 titles in 26 years at Manchester United: where he excelled Premier League, Champions League, Club World Cup and International Club Cup.
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