Manufacturing, first niche of foreign investment


Of the $ 606 million that arrived in the country last year in 1945 foreign direct investment most ($ 143 million) arrived in the Manufacturing industry; an important figure for Ecuador in a year in which it received 20% less capital, but which remains far removed from the resources received in the same sector by other neighboring countries, such as Colombia (2,523 million of dollars)

The report of the FDI prepared by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (1945-19004) whose first results were published last Friday by EXPRESS thus places the manufacturing sector as the largest niche destination for these external resources, moving even traditional sectors such as the oil tanker.

In fact, as explained, the drop in investment from last year, to a large extent, was mainly caused by a less dynamic extractive sector which, in the previous two years, received about $ 500 million a year, but in 2017 it only reached $ 64 million. The extractive sector of Ecuador is dominated by oil production, in which several transnationals operate in partnership with the State Petroleum Company (Petroecuador). For this year, it anticipates, the prospects could change due to the new policies implemented in this sector. "Oil production has declined in the last two years and the government launched in March 2018 an exploitation rights auction with which it hopes to attract $ 800 million in investments. "

Manufacturing industry, ECLAC has identified the agriculture and fisheries sector as the second most attractive, receiving last year $ 124 million. In this area, the Danish company Schouw & Co. had an important influence in acquiring 70% of the shares of the Ecuadorian company of shrimp Alimentsa a transaction that the country will signify the arrival of 127 million dollars.

China was the largest registered investor in Ecuador ($ 85 million), followed closely by Spain ($ 80 million). A third of total FDI income in 2017 came from other countries in the region, a lower percentage than other years.

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