Manufacturing increased by 10.50% last May



Manufacturing output increased by 10.50% last May due to an increase in the production of the primary subsector (20.35%) and the sub-sector. non-primary manufacturing sector (5.67%), according to the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI).

With this result, manufacturing output recorded its fifth month of steady growth. This sector recorded a contractionary behavior between 2014 and 2017, accumulating a variation of -2.7%.

According to the technical entity, in the growth of industries producing consumer goods, the largest garment manufactory is distinguished (9.2%), mainly polo shirts, shirts, blouses, baby clothes, skirts, bags, clothing set, rompers, swimsuits, caps, hats, blouses, t-shirts, full-bodied and sold internally and externally as the United States United, Brazil, Costa Rica, France, Italy, South Korea, the United Kingdom and Canada

Similarly, the manufacture of other paper and paperboard articles ( 17.6%), napkins, card stock and bond paper for the domestic market; production of baked goods (12%), crackers and biscuits, cakes and toast for domestic and foreign markets, such as Colombia, Chile, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Jamaica and Cuba. furniture manufacturing (7.9%), which included seats and furniture made of wood, metal and plastic for the domestic market, as well as the largest manufacture of knitted and crocheted items (14.5%), such as as knitted sweaters and dresses for domestic and external markets, destined for the United States, Brazil, Canada, France, Italy, Costa Rica and Panama.

Equipment Property

Similarly, the INEI revealed that in May this year the industry of the equipment goods increased by 204.7% due to increased manufacturing of transformers, switchboards and autotransformers for the domestic market and the manufacture of self-propelled devices, elevators, forklifts, belts , belts and trucks. the internal market and to meet external demand from Chile, Colombia, Spain, Nicaragua and Sweden.


In May 2018, in the recovery of intermediate goods industries (10.21)%) emphasized the greater elaboration of the products of the flour mill (61%).

Between January and May, the manufacturing sector grew by 6.77% and the last 12 months (June 2017-May 2018) by 1.12%.

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