Maria Grazia Gamarra: "I wanted to have a baby, it's a dream come true" | Shows


The pregnancy of María Grazia Gamarra surprised her disciples, but not the young actress and that, according to Maria Grazia, her pregnancy was "expected and sought after". "I wanted to have a baby and we gave myself the opportunity," said the national actress in Peru.21

Gamarra, 28, said that although she prefers not to to talk about it, she is happy about her pregnancy. "I wanted to have a baby and I was given the opportunity Yes, it's a dream come true (…) I'll continue in the theater and then I'll take a break" , explains the model

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the actress added that his partner (Heinz Gildemeister) "is very happy "with this news. However, Gamarra preferred to keep in reserve the number of months that he has. "I've already said that I was pregnant and I do not talk much about the subject," she explains.

In an interview with the local media, the young actress also spoke about her role in the play "Girls of the Fourth C". role of a teenager with family problems.

In addition, Maria Grazia did not miss the opportunity to talk about the education of religious schools, a subject that is also played in the work. "(The girls in room c also) talk about religious schools and how they think so hard," she said.

Finally, María Grazia Gamarra assured that she was pregnant and that she was delighted to know that she could share her passion (theater) with motherhood . But he warned that he would soon take "a break."



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