Maria Grazia Gamarra reveals her pregnancy and shows her belly on Instagram | Shows


Actress María Grazia Gamarra surprised her thousands of followers by announcing that she was in the sweet wait, a year after publicly expressing her desire to be a mother.

Maria Grazia Gamarra realized her dream and she wanted to share it with her fans through her Instagram account, where she published the first picture of her pregnant belly.

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"Our long and pretty love story is complete with you", were the words that the actress dedicated soap opera to his first baby.

In the snapshot that was apparently part of a photo shoot, María Grazia Gamarra is seen touching her belly while posing for the camera.

The actress who was part of the novel 'Amor de madre & # 39; will have a son product of his love with Heinz Gildemeister, a well known tennis teacher and with whom years ago it was taken by Magaly's cameras. from Instagram, the young actress and the son of former tennis player Laura Arraya have expressed their love on several occasions

. 19659010] "I look embarrassed.With many children.I would, I hope, and give myself the opportunity to be a mom (.. .) I would have a son, today, I have desire but one thing is to love and another thing is to do it.I won (.. .), "he admitted in July of last year.

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