Maria Pía and Anna Carina reappear together in a video clip of the song 'Quiero contigo' [VIDEO] | Photo 1 of 5 | Photo Galleries


María Pía Copello reappeared on social media for all her followers. What is the reason? The host participated in "Quiero Contigo", the latest video clip that brings her sister back to the stage, the singer Anna Carina Copello.

The host of "Esto es guerra" enjoys the rhythm of the song with her sister and other women. Dance and follow the details of each step of the choreography as you can see in the video clip.

"It's time to dance! I'm excited by the first #dancevideo with my beloved sister @annacarinapop! Taking advantage of the fact that we are Friday, we'll move the bones with #QuieroContigo." Have you heard? Do it now, save and share your videos by tagging @piacopello @annacarinapop which already comes #challenge "was the message that María Pía wrote on her Instagram.


Meanwhile, Anna Carina also unveiled the trailer that will be broadcast on various digital platforms.

"Quiero Contigo … I present the first video next to the incredible @piacopello.Let you excited about the rhythm, dance it, record it, share it and join #QuieroContigoChallenge (taggea @piacopello and @annacarinapop), "said Anna Carina.

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