Maricarmen Marín surprises with funny dance steps [FOTOS Y VIDEO] | Photo 1 of 5 | Shows | Farándula


He never ceases to amaze. The singer Maricarmen Marín dazzled a lot for his beauty, his charisma and, now, for his beautiful dance steps.

Maricarmen Marín is sworn in the program of imitation 'Yo be'; and during the recordings of castings she does not stop to enjoy and surprise her audience.

The actress was also captured at one of the record breaks by performing a fun choreography, while at her side Ricardo Morán jury and producer, laughed at the jocular scene.

  The singer wore unpublished dance steps. (Credits: USI) "title =" The singer wore unpublished dance steps. (Credits: USI) "src =" "style =" display: inline; "/> </div>
<p class= The surprise of the video, was to see the actress Magdyel Ugaz who starred in the remake of the telenovela 'Colorina & # 39; sitting on the chair of the central jury. "I am" ? The reality of singing forward his new season on July 17 at 9 pm by Latina.

D & # 39; On the other hand, Maricarmen Marin announced, through another of his stories from Instagram that will make the clip of his new song, "I have a lot of surprises . One of them is that we have created very soon a music video of the song "Porque t'uis fuiste". ", he said.

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