Mark Vito: Judge Richard Concepción Carhuancho has ordered that Keiko Fujimori's husband be prevented from leaving the country for 36 months | Photo 1 of 4 | Policy


The judge Richard Concepcion Carhuancho He ordered an impediment to leave the country for 36 months to Mark Vito, husband of Keiko Fujimori, as part of the investigation for alleged money laundering.

Giuliana Loza, a lawyer Mark Vito and Keiko Fujimori, was in charge of giving the news, via his Twitter account.

"We have just been informed of this arbitrary decision that we will appeal, once again, an injustice is committed against the Fujimori family," wrote the lawyer with the attached document on the refusal to leave the country. Mark Vito

At the hearing, ask for the prevention of Mark Vito, the husband of Keiko Fujimori He argued that he was not a "money launderer" and stated that it was clear that "there is persecution".

"If my crime is to be the husband of Keiko Fujimori, Condemn me to death, but if my crime is money laundering, I tell them and you know it is wrong. I'm not a washer, I'm just a gringo who brought his capital to invest in Peru. I am just an entrepreneur who has had success, "he is defended Mark Vito during the hearing when they gave him the floor.

For his part, the prosecutor José Domingo Pérez, considered that it was necessary to ensure the presence of Mark Vito in the country because it had not reported the acquisition of its properties in the region of La Chutana.

José Domingo Pérez opened a preparatory inquiry into Mark Vito for the alleged irregular contributions and their participation in the 2011 Force campaign. Cases were accumulated, so the Office of the Prosecutor focused on two property acquisitions.

Both were in Chilca for more than 600,000 soles conducted between 2012 and 2015. The investigation was conducted under the Organized Crime Act.

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