Mark Zuckerberg, the third-highest fortune in the world | trends


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is third on the list of the world's richest entrepreneurs with a fortune estimated at $ 81.6 billion, according to Bloomberg estimates. This figure contrasts with the US $ 72.8 billion recorded on January 1, 2018, when it ranked fifth among the top ten billionaires. In six months, Zuckerberg's fortune has increased by 12%.

The last year has also been profitable for the executive, since on July 8, he recorded a fortune of $ 64,700 million. From this moment until two days ago, when Bloomberg recorded the current balance of its fortune, the amount increased by $ 16.9 billion and showed a growth of 26%.

However, Zuckerberg's finances went through a complex time between March 18 and March 27 following the scandal of British marketing firm Cambridge Analytica, responsible for a massive data theft of $ 50 million. Facebook users around the world. This incident caused the social network to lose 37,000 million US dollars in one day and the fortunes of its CEO fell by 4,900 million US dollars the same day.

Similarly, the number of Zuckerberg money-boxes continued to decline between April 18th and 27th, from $ 75,300 to $ 62,200. Over the course of the nine days, the manager's fortune dropped by 17.4%, losing a total of $ 13.1 billion.

Despite the fall, Zuckerberg's turnaround after that was dazzling, as it grew by 31% and brought him $ 19.400 million from March 27 to today. hui.

Technology expert Diego Santos mentioned that Zuckerberg's third position in the richest ranking "was a matter of time", and he assured that "this can continue to climb" in the years to come.

"His business has a customer base of 2.2 billion subscribers and is a monopolist with Google, the Internet advertising market."

One of the main reasons for the resumption of the executive and its The company was the good result of Igtv, the new Instagram tool since the end of June that allows the creation of videos 60 minutes maximum in vertical format. This social network was acquired by Facebook in 2012 for a value of $ 1,000 million.

The tool, created the very day that we knew that it exceeded 1,000 million Instagram users, aims to challenge YouTube by encouraging users of the network to publish longer content and create their own channel.

Thanks to this new tool, in addition to its advertising activity, the eMarketer company estimates that Instagram will generate profits of $ 5,480 million.

CocoNut's founder, Juan Pablo García, pointed out that "Facebook is the social network where brand profitability is the most important in terms of planning and future activity".

Details like these have not only allowed Zuckerberg to recover a good percentage of his fortune in recent months, but also to position US $ 400 million over Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, and $ 5.5 billion US $ on the founder and former president of Inditex, Amancio Ortega, respectively fourth and fifth.

This recovery did not allow Zuckerberg to overcome the two richest entrepreneurs in the world: Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, and Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, whose fortunes reach $ 142 billion. US $ and 94.2 billion US dollars. respectively.

Bezos' leadership in ranking the richest men in the world is due to the good behavior of the online retailer and the diversification process that has intensified this year.

For example, the new independent medical services company that Amazon, JPMorgan and Berkshire Hathaway created in order to provide medical care at a lower cost than the current market and the purchase it two weeks ago from PillPack, an online pharmacy that will allow you to venture into the drug market.

The 10 richest rose nearly 10% in six months
According to Bloomberg, the fortune of the 10 richest men in the world is currently $ 774 000 million, so that in January of this year, they totaled about 708 200 million dollars.

In the first half of 2018, the wealth of the top ten richest millionaires in the world increased by 9.3%. Of the 10 entrepreneurs that make up this ranking, six of them come from the technology sector and seven are from the United States. The only Latin is the Mexican Carlos Slim.

Ibero-American Network of the Economic Press (RIPE)
Diario La República de Colombia

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