Marriage of Diana Sánchez in crisis? That's what the reality girl said | Shows


The Pretty Girl of Reality, Diana Sánchez spoke after the terrible scandal of an alleged assault on her current partner, Harold Cortez at a La Estrella beach party,

The popular "Chata" told the local press that this problem was affecting her personal life, her image and especially her relationship with the Colombian businessman. "I've been on TV for a long time and I've never seen myself in such a thing, the only thing I'm trying to do is focus on the positive things to move forward" he added .

After this episode, the member Combate is calmer thanks to the support of his supporters and friends

"All is well, I had good lawyers who could help me and make me to understand the irregularity that has come in. I really regret having gone through this situation, I felt very affected, it should not have happened this way, thank God everything is going well well now and I'm pretty calm " commented.

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