Mask hundreds of crocodiles in Indonesia to take revenge


The story is simple, but no less poignant. A 48-year-old man living in Sorong, a port city of Indonesia entered a crocodile farm in search of pastures for his cattle.

Apparently, and this is the subject of an investigation, the entry to the farm would have been accidental. Whatever the case may be, a reptile bit the man in one leg and with the tail he gave it a definite, deadly blow.

And although the police analyzed the case and the owner of the enclosure compensated the parents of the victim, the neighbors wanted revenge .

It was enough for the family of the deceased to take machetes, sticks and hammers for all the neighbors to do the same. In mass, they invaded the farm and beat 292 crocodiles . Most of them were descendants of this reptile, which is endangered and has been reproduced in the hatchery precisely to improve the number of species.

They also reported larger crocodiles, up to 6.5 feet, and they virtually dumped the animals' place. Two dead specimens were stolen, while the others were stacked in a macabre display of anger .

People watch the bodies of crocodiles that killed villagers in Sorong, West Papua, Indonesia.

While the police wanted to intervene, it was too late. He was recognized by Emy Fenetyruma, police chief who was present at the place.

She explained that the neighbor's death occurred on Friday, July 13 and that after his funeral on Saturday, 14, barbarity broke out. "It was a spontaneous reaction of those living around the farm." They came in and killed the crocodiles, we tried to stop them, but all the animals were already dead . The Jakarta Times that reptiles were stabbed: "It was horrible to see," he said. Another resident, Enoas Barmala, justified the action: "We did what was right, because these animals can not be kept in this area, because they are close to people it is better for these animals to be far away from populated areas, forests, for example. "

The Indonesian Agency for the Conservation of Natural Resources coordinates actions with the police to explain what happened, Basar Manullang, his director, was emphatic and sensitive:" Crocodiles are creatures from God, they also need protection. "

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