Maxine Waters made my personal life "worse" and "more dangerous"


Fox News contributor Tomi Lahren blames Democrat Representative Maxine Waters, who has publicly encouraged his supporters to shame the Conservatives supporting President Trump, for his personal life that has worsened in recent weeks.

Lahren Called Waters on Fox News Justice with Judge Jeanine Saturday night after California representative applauds Red Hen restaurant for refusing to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders, press secretary of the House Blanche, and asked his supporters to organize similar protests in public. "What the Left believes is that if you challenge their way of thinking and their worldview articulately, they believe it is harassment," Lahren said. "However, they can go out in public to me in a restaurant, in a bar, in a mall and confront me and say unpleasant things or throw things at me and for them, it's the same thing."

Lahren continued: "Judge, I must tell you, since Maxine Waters came out and she encouraged her supporters and supporters to, I guess, continue the attacks on the right."

"I l & # 39; I have seen in my personal life worsening over the last two weeks, "she said.

Former Judge Jeanine Pirro then pointed out that Waters, who has repeatedly called Trump to be charged , did not apologize for asking the public to repel the Conservatives.

Lahren asked," Where is the left? -Dessus? "

" Where are the feminists? empowerment? TimesUp, MeToo – where are their voices in this? She said, "because I do not see them coming out to defend conservative women, as they should, when we are literally attacked for our beliefs."

Lahren is not the first commentator Conservative at Bash Waters.

Fox News Host Laura Ingraham shortly after the incident with Sanders at the end of last month claimed that Waters would be responsible for any violence coming from the Conservatives' public shame. [19659002] "And all the shed blood will be on your hands-remember what happened a year ago to Steve" All blood shed will be on the hands of Maxine Waters and all Democrats or " Never Trumpers "tacitly or explicitly tolerate these Antifa-style tactics of vicious intimidation."

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