Mayxit ?: The UK's chaos collapses


The resignation of Boris Johnson is the clearest mirror in which the Theresa May government's debacle is reflected. In front of the head of the British diplomacy, Brexit Minister David Davis and his number two, Steve Baker, had already practiced frightened him. All reject the soft divorce with the EU that the Prime Minister intends to impose.

Chaos is the only thing in the UK. It all began last Friday when Premier Theresa May decided to take her office to the garden: Checkers, her country house. And not just for a spiritual retreat, but to impose a sweet, half Brexit Brexit as it is called his former head of diplomacy, Boris Johnson.

The Checkers Pact proposed that the United Kingdom be brought into line with European regulations on agricultural products and products and establish a customs association without customs duties and without the need to control borders in Ireland.

In other words, a kind of free trade zone that would force London to be subordinated to the rules of the game imposed by the EU, and that May would present this Thursday in Brussels. That was too much for supporters of the hard Brexit, a clear attack on his waterline.

Thus, David Davis, who two years ago was placed as spearhead of the wallet created after the referendum on the block's release, He is a supporter of a tough Brexit with other ministers , like Boris Johnson, who reportedly condemned privately, during his stay at Checkers, attempts to sell Theresa May's plan for Brexit "to polish a dump"

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The scramble in a few hours after the Pact Checkers, would corroborate the British media versions that mocked, indicating that Chancellor Johnson and the rest of colleagues opposed to a sweet Brexit were faced with the dilemma of losing their official vehicle to return to London if they refused to support the May e strategy.

The chairman of the Ekai Consulting Center, Adrián Zelaia, believes that "what is happening is not totally surprising", and highlights the existence of two factors that have a very negative impact on the process Brexit.

"The first is the really hard position adopted by the EU itself, and that has already been announced immediately after the referendum by France and Germany, with the fundamental objective of set a precedent, that is to say that after leaving the UK, other EU countries could follow the same path if the negotiation is too easy to them. point of view ".

"And the second argument is that the positions of the ruling classes in the UK are unclear at all, even those of the people who negotiated Brexit and who theoretically try to move it forward," explains the l & # 39; analyst. 19659003] In addition: "Any scenario Brexit will be bad for the British economy"

In the blink of an eye, Theresa May has become the punching bag for locals and foreigners in his country "

Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn was one of the first to denigrate him through his Twitter account:" The resignation of David Davis at a time as crucial as Theresa May she has more authority and is unable to carry out Brexit, "he tweeted.

Meanwhile, Scotland's leading minister, the nationalist Nicola Sturgeon, used the same platform to express himself: "L & Ladies Unit has not lasted long, this UK government is in total chaos and loses authority every day, what a disaster! "

"The resignation of David Davis shows that the UK government is a mess in Brexit and urgent action is needed to resolve the chaos, the company needs certainty and the country needs leadership and direction "tweeted the head of the government of Wales, work Carwyn Jones.

Zelaia points out that there were very significant contradictions in the Labor Party, but especially in the Conservative Party.

"We know that a good part of the party that was traditionally supportive of the UK's integration into the EU, shortly before the referendum, adding to the wave that seemed to point to Brexit, he ruled in favor of Brexit, while everyone thought it was a mere opportunist move, "he explains

in fact, a good part of the Conservative Party which, outwardly – and not to contradict the public opinion – is in favor of Brexit, in fact it is not the case, and this has been a context clearly negative and dangerous for the Brexit negotiation, because the strategy followed by this sector of the British elites has been to deliberately seek a bad negotiation that creates a difficult to justify a second referendum, a justification and a modification of the opinion "explains Adrián Zelaia.

] More information: The main British union accepts the possibility of a new referendum on Brexit

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