Mercosur prepares a plan of action with the Pacific Alliance



Mercosur finalizes an "action plan" with the Pacific Alliance for a closer approximation between the two regional blocks that facilitates trade and gives impetus to a common digital agenda, reported this Friday official Brazilian sources.

"We finalize the discussions with Alianza del Pacífico, so that there is a declaration of the presidents (of the two blocks) that is accompanied by an action plan" in different areas related to trade and the digital agenda, said the Assistant Secretary for Latin America and the Caribbean of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Paulo Estivallet

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The Presidents of Mercosur Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) and the Pacific Alliance (Mexico, Chile, Colombia and Peru) will meet for the first time on Tuesday July 24 in the seaside resort of Puerto Vallarta Mexico Pacific

This "plan of action" between Mercosur and the Pacific Alliance aims to lay the foundation for "in the coming months" to develop a at a more technical level, on "the facilitation Trade, Services, "Small and Medium Business Issues," said Estivallet.

The Brazilian diplomat stressed "the symbolic importance" of a "meeting of Presidents of the Pacific Alliance and Mercosur, which never took place" and which will give "A political impulse"

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"This effort of approach has started two or three years ago, a series was made of activities and meetings at the ministerial level, but it is the first time that there is a meeting of presidents, "said Estivallet.

"The idea, more than anything, is the symbolic importance of the two main ones it is the groupings of the region, which account for 90% of the GDP of Latin America, that give impetus The Deputy Secretary recalled that the Mercosur had already proposed several months ago to Pacific: a trade facilitation agreement a little wider "on which it must still "consolidate its position"

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For Estivallet, the dome between heads of state both blocks will help "these opportunities are more concrete" and that "the potential for trade expansion" of these countries "becomes a reality as short as possible".

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