Mexico Inflation Highlights and PMI Index


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Markets begin the second day of the week in Mexico with inflation results in the first half of July, while in the United States and Europe the data of the Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) are published) This Tuesday concludes the proceedings of the meeting of the Pacific Alliance that make up Mexico, Chile, Colombia and Peru, which spoke out in favor of free trade at some point in the manufacturing sector, corresponding to the seventh month of the year. Protectionist positions are emerging around the world, especially in the United States

In Mexico, analysts at financial institutions were expecting inflation to show a bi-weekly increase of 0.24% in the first half of the year. half of July, according to the results of the survey. CitiBanamex expectations that were unveiled last Friday.

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<p>  Inflation during the period in question could be explained by an increase in the prices of fruits and vegetables, as well as by pressures in energy prices, in especially in the price of gasoline.In addition, price increases for other services were expected. </p>
<p>  The specialists expected that inflation would be almost in line with that observed in the past. However, they predicted differences in components, such as increased energy price volatility, as well as lower growth in other services and processed foods, compared to the same period last year. which had been reported a year earlier </p>
<p> 4.75% during the first half of July, higher than 4.65% observed in June.On the other hand, the underlying index at 3.57% per annum, below the previous 3.64%. "Inflation is subject to the pressure of higher energy prices, an effect that they consider temporary, and that once that happens, inflation will converge towards a rate of 4.16% at the end of the year. </p>
<p>  publishes the statement of account of the Bank of Mexico, where the behavior of international reserves is reported, which in the second week of July showed a decrease of 67 million dollars. </p>
<p>  With this, international reserves reached Friday July 13, a net balance of 173 thousand 296 million dollars. So far this year, the central bank's reserves have increased by $ 494 million. </p>
<p>  In addition, the Ministry of Finance, through the Bank of Mexico as an investment agent, will auction three three-year bonds (December 21). ), Udibonos at three years (June-22), as well as Cetes of one, three and six months. As always, the results of the auction will be published at 11:30 </p>
<p>  On the international scene, the manufacturing PMI for July is announced in the United States, where it was expected a retracement of 0.54% over the previous month . This same indicator was expected for the euro zone, with a drop of 0.55%; for Germany, a decrease of 0.72%; and for France, it was felt that there would be no change. </p>
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