Michelle Soifer does not care about intimate videos


July 14, 2018 5:00.

Put cold cloths on the subject. The warrior gave the face to reveal that she's not worried about both the intimate videos and the photographs with Kevin Blow, but the personal information with the directions and the card numbers of the two.

"What's really not a subject that takes my sleep away." These are normal things for all couples, there is nothing wrong , of course, these are private problems, "said Michelle Soifer


He revealed that threats and appeals to extortion did not cease despite reports from the police and the public after the robbery.

"They do not stop calling, I do not know what they want, we will not give them anything," he added.

The Michi appealed to the authorities that they get to work to identify and arrest the perpetrators of their partner's assault and theft.

"It is necessary that these people be captured so that they do not continue to harm other innocent people," he said.

He thanked his friend, former baseball player Alfonso Puchungo Yáñez, for accompanying him in the most critical moments.

"He was with me all the time, we already have the security camera videos in the area, they are not very visible, but we will make them available to the corresponding people." That should not be left as this, we ask justice, "he remarked.


On the other hand, Michelle Soifer considered that his love was reborn after the strong episode the criminal she was facing.

He said that it was the work of a miracle and that is why he thanked the Lord to have allowed him to continue here.

"That could be fatal, just as they hit it, they could have shot him. The worst thing is that he persecuted them. As Kevin always says, glory to God, "said the member of This Is War.

He revealed that the two thugs acted with too much violence against the Dominican singer.

"His belongings had already been stolen, why hit him that way until he broke his forehead. In addition to calling for extortion, it is cruelty, "he said.

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