Michelle Soifer has not hesitated to express her love and support to her current partner Kevin Blow [FOTOS] | trends


More in love than ever. Michelle Soifer surprised all her Instagram fans, after showing her full and emotional support towards her current partner Kevin Blow who was victim of an assault a few days ago and the proceeds of this act suffered from

The member of This is War, did not hesitate to use his social networks to share some photos with his beloved and was also encouraged to mention that he is going through a good time sentimental.

YOU CAN SEE It's the war: Michelle Soifer suffers extortion after a burglary at Kevin Blow

"Every moment together is to relive and capture the moments, as s & # 39; They were the last ones, understanding that in this way we have different dreams, we have only one meaning and that is hand in hand, supporting us, supporting us. and best of all, we love.Happy to be your girl, your girlfriend, your friend, "can be read in the description of a photograph shared by the beautiful & guerrera & # 39; # 39; in Instagram, in which she is seen with her partner picnicking, with some horses.

The popular & # 39; Michi & # 39; who is apparently in Lunahuaná enjoying a moment of relaxation together with her boyfriend, she received the support of all her followers.

The image pleased all its fans and followers of the social network, which now totals more than 1.3 million people. The clichés already have over 8,000 likes and various comments, where users have not hesitated to wish them their best wishes and expressions of affection for the young model and singer.

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