Michelle Soifer ruled out that there were intimate videos on a cellphone stolen from Kevin Blow | Photo 1 of 5 | Shows


The "warrior" Michelle Soifer was pronounced for extortion as her partner, the Dominican Kevin Blow, received after stealing her cellphone.

"I'm not afraid of that because I've never said that there were videos or intimate photos I had only personal information, like credits or bank addresses, but not triple x ".

Consulted by his ex-partner Erick Sabater who is questioning about the Dominican's aggression, Michelle Soifer came out to defend her lover.

"I just tell him never to let that happen, it's a very delicate thing that has happened to us. But I'll always be next to Kevin in the good and the bad Moments What we can say that the rest does not matter, the important thing is that we move together. "

  Michelle Soifer

Michelle Soifer refers to the extortion received by Kevin Blow. (Javier Artica)

Similarly, the singer also hopes that Sabater does not speak of advertising.

"I hope not, it would be very low on your part. I reiterate that I hope nothing will happen to you because these situations are very ugly, no one deserves it. live in a country where we try to fight crime, we will not go out and say it's floro, "said Soifer, who announced the circus season of This is war, Mall of the South.

Last Tuesday Kevin Blow was a crime victim. Thieves pointed a gun at him and broke his head. They took his cell phone.

  Michelle Soifer "title =" Michelle Soifer "src =" https://img.peru21.pe/files/article_video_image/uploads/2018/07/17/5b4e778c508df.jpeg "style =" display: inline; "/> </div>
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