Michelle Soifer: Santi Lesmes says deaf to defend Kevin Blow's interpretation


July 25, 2018 1:30 pm.

Santi Lesmes was the jury charged with evaluating Kevin Blow in his second presentation in "The Artist of the Year" and stated that it was the only one of his kind. one of the worst, after Michelle Soifer questioned the professionalism of the new jury. The musical producer spoke in an interview with the local newspaper and responded to the criticism of the warrior.

The driver defended the popular "Michi", which claimed that the jury was a "disaster". "Perhaps Michelle speaks of resentment, there is a saying that says:" Love is blind ", in the case of her she is deaf, because the true love said to his partner, face to face Kevin was not well, but I did not send him to jail, the rest of the jury gave him the same score. "[19659004] The artist Santi Lesmes declared that he was qualified to be a juror: "I am part of a jury that qualifies singing, dancing and playing and I I am also a director and producer of Broadway musicals.

The controversial orchestra conductor also invited him to learn more about his professional life. "In fact, if Michelle Soifer instead of going to turn the nuts in the circus, I saw a little more cultural billboard, I would realize that now I'm directing the musical The Rock Age, "he said. 9659004]

"When I saw performances of Michelle with Kevin she is the sun and it is an eclipse that removes the light … I would like Michelle to talk to me about her lover's artistic career.Also, I do not understand why this trial is over when his time is up, he participated and did not win, so turn the page " concluded the recent jury.

Santi Lesmes had the opportunity to occupy occasion of the place that has Lucho Cáceres in the strict jury of " The artist of the year". year & # 39 ;.

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