Michelle Soifer was late for "Esto es Guerra", she is bouncing off reality TV and throwing a crisis | VIDEO | reality | America TV | Shows


Michelle Soifer spoke in the recent edition of "This is War" after failing to comply with American reality TV standards.

That's right, Michelle Soifer once again arrived late This is War & # 39; and the production made the drastic decision to remove him from the program for failing to fulfill his responsibilities.

All happened at the beginning of the program, "The Court" released the delay Kevin Blow confesses the crisis in his relationship with Michelle Soifer [VIDEO]

Michelle Soifer did not like to be withdrawn from the reality show [VIDEO]

full live program and at any time was bored with the production.

Finally, the reality girl left voluntarily, but before talking with colleagues and even raised her arm.

This is not the first time that Michelle Soifer is sanctioned in 'Esto es Guerra'. for his lack of punctuality. Do you think the production did well to remove it?

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