Milett Figueroa says she's happy to be single


July 12, 2018 8:30 am

Model Milett Figueroa has returned to give the face to confess that he is leaving with friends, but prefers to be alone only poorly accompanied.

"I do not have a relationship and I feel a lot better and happier, I can do my whole job," said the popular Ninfa in the Back to the Neighborhood series.

Milett Figueroa insisted that he would like to have his revenge in the reality TV show where he was severely questioned on social networks and by some of the jurors.

"What's going on here is what is happening? is that nobody knows the moment when we went on stage. But anyway, I hope that some time the revenge will be given to show what I am done, "he said Milett Figueroa .

However, he said that now it is not the moment because it records until Saturday.


On the other hand, Milett went to relax the last weekend with the Michi in a nightclub. "We have already submitted harshness, there are no problems between us, only respect and of appreciation, "he said.

He said that there was also Kevin Blow, Pedro Loli and Rossana Fernández Maldonado. have made a good group of friends, "he said.

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