Minister Carlos Oliva attends a meeting of Pacific Alliance Finance Ministers


Minister Carlos Oliva attends the Pacific Alliance Finance Ministers Meeting

Minister of Economy and Finance Carlos Oliva attends the 17th Finance Ministers Meeting of the Pacific Alliance held today Bogota, Colombia, where we will see the progress of the work of the Council of Finance Ministers and the agenda to be developed.

At the Presidential Summit of this integration mechanism, to be held on July 24, Peru will assume the pro tempore presidency of the Pacific Alliance, also composed of Colombia, Mexico and Chile , from July of this year until the same month of 2019, receiving the post of Colombia.

Chile, Felipe Larraín Bascuñán; the Minister of Finance and Public Credit of Colombia, Mauricio Cárdenas Santamaría and the Secretary of Finance and Public Credit of Mexico, José Antonio González Anaya. "

/ MJ /

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