More than 50 countries urge Venezuela to accept humanitarian aid


Led by Peru, more than 50 countries on Thursday urged Venezuela to restore the rule of law and open its doors to humanitarian aid, while economic crisis causes drug shortages and increasing malnutrition

Venezuelan security forces are believed to have killed hundreds of people and enjoy judicial immunity, stating that the law is "virtually absent" in the country, said the UN human rights office in a report. Last month

Critics say that President Nicolás Maduro has been using increasingly authoritarian tactics as the economy sinks into recession and hyperinflation. The conditions caused the emigration of hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans last year.

"We are concerned about serious human rights violations such as extrajudicial executions, the excessive use of force, arbitrary arrests, torture and ill-treatment. 39, access to justice, "said the Peruvian Ambassador Claudio Julio de la Puente Ribeyro in the joint statement to the United Nations Human Rights Council. "We call on Venezuela to recognize the gravity of its situation and to open its doors to humanitarian aid, to cooperate with human rights mechanisms," said De la Puente Ribeyro. Venezuela, supported by the allies of Cuba and Bolivia, has repeatedly interrupted De la Puente Ribeyro while reading. They had raised procedural objections to try to prevent him from speaking, but the forum chairman, Slovenian Ambassador Vojislav Suc, decided that he could proceed.

The Deputy Ambassador of Venezuela, Felix Peña Ramos, rejected "arbitrary or illegal interference".

But the Mexican ambassador, Socorro Flores Liera, said: "We are concerned that countries that talk about politicization are the ones who politicize debates, preventing a group of countries from making statements."

Finally, technical assistance can not solve all the human rights problems in Venezuela, "but that would be a good start and consistent with what is expected of them. a member of the Human Rights Council. "

Generally extrovert with respect to Venezuela, he retired from the council last month, calling for reforms to correct what he considers a "chronicity and prejudice". ;Israel".

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