Mysterious disappearance of the Peruvian who went to Russia to attend the World Cup


The fate of the Peruvians Sixto Vidal Falcón Pedregal (55) is a mystery. As a fan of more, he went to Russia in June to cheer on the national team, but did not come back as planned. He is currently in the state of disappeared.

His family and friends say that since last Tuesday they have lost all communication with him and fear for his safety.

On Sunday, July 15th, Sixto arrived at the Luzhniki stadium to attend the World Cup final between France and Croatia. We know that day he was looking for a Puerto Rican friend.

A woman who had lent 100 euros to Sixto had been left in the care of his huge flag and his suitcase that he had left during the search.

"He was in constant communication with us every two or three hours," said Vilma Collao, a collaborator of Sixto Falcón

Sixto traveled to Russia on June 7 after selling his truck and saving for a year

Vilma asked the Peruvian authorities to intervene for this to happen, a search in Moscow.The complaint was also lodged at the Russian Embassy in Lima. ❧ [19659008] You might be interested

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