Mystic Rose: Trailer of the history of the Peruvian saint


The Peruvian film, Rosa Mística will tell the story of Santa Rosa de Lima . It will be published this August 30th. Recently, the first trailer of the film was published

From this first preview, it is appreciated that the doubts, the critics of a controversial character will be addressed. Although it reaches the sanctity decreed by the Catholic Church the methods used by Rosa to reach the altars are questioned. Because she was a woman who imitated in almost any one Christ . Not only apply his lessons, but his pains.

The film stars the Peruvian actress Fiorella Pennano that we saw in as in the movies . The performer confessed that she lost five kilos for this tape. "Let's say that the film tells the whole life of Santa Rosa until his death (…) is a very intimidating character and it's an honor," he said.

The Peruvian film will be presented on August 30, coinciding with the celebrations of Santa Rosa de Lima in Peru. It is directed by Augusto Tamayo .

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