Nahir Galarza, the last to hear about her life sentence | Trade | World | News


Nahir Galarza a 19-year-old Argentine law student who was sentenced to life imprisonment on Tuesday for the murder of her 20-year-old partner in the city of Gualeguaychú, Argentina two shots she was the last to learn from his belief.

She chose not to be present when the decision was read. His presence was not mandatory either. Their parents were also not afraid to be attacked, they saw the transmission of the sentence from their house to the custody of a police officer.

In the solitude of a wet cell, without televisions, radios or means of communication that provide in detail his sentence, Nahir Galarza had to wait a few hours that his lawyer at the police station for children and women receive the bad news.

How did he receive it? Only she and her lawyer know it.

Galarza maintained a stormy relationship with the murdered student, Fernando Pastorizzo. According to the local press, it is the first time that a life sentence is imposed on a young woman.

Judge Mauricio Derudi, president of the court, said in reading the sentence that it was a "qualified homicide".

The crime occurred at dawn on December 29, 2017. Galarza told the trial that the shooting was accidental in the middle of a discussion. The weapon was 9 millimeters from the girl's father, a city policeman, located 230 kilometers north of Buenos Aires.

The first shot was when the two were traveling on a motorcycle driven by Pastorizzo. The second was with the boy on the ground, according to the judicial expertise.

"I knew my son, although we did not know the details of a relationship, and more than teenagers, he knew that he was not violent". Silvia Mantegazza, mother of Pastorizzo. Galarza testified in court that the young man had threatened and beaten her.

Testimony gathered during the trial indicated that the girl was violent.

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