NASA: Solar cells built by Colombian children will be sent to space | Photo | science | World


Obtaining electrical energy without harming the environment remains a necessity for mankind. This situation motivated a group of young Colombians since they created organic solar cells that will be sent to space by NASA.

The work team consisted of 37 children and adolescents from various schools in Cali, with the support of some universities in Colombia and with the idea of ​​fighting problems such as global warming.

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The cells were built on the basis of carbon, a more environmentally friendly material; In addition, they would not be as noticeable as selenium

"They are organic and have a strong impact of investigation because of their renewable and non-polluting characteristics," says José Darío Perea, PhD in Materials Science at the University of Erlangen-Núrember in Germany. ]  Colombian Children

On the other hand, Carolina Gasta, participant of the NASA program Cubes in Space learned of the work developed by the miners and will be launched in the space in a hot air balloon August 24 with 100 other projects collected in the countries of the planet

The Colombians will only send four copies of the 30 that they created and will leave the facilities of the US Space Agency. Subsequently, students can receive their slides to study some effects on their materials.

 Solar Films

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