Natalie Vértiz and Yaco Eskenazi celebrated in this way their third wedding anniversary [FOTOS] | Photo 1 of 6 | Shows | Farándula


They professed the love of never separating again. Yesterday, the couple formed by the model Natalie Vértiz and the former reality, Yaco Eskenazi celebrated their third birthday by sharing photos of the most important day of their lives .

The host of América Espectáculos remembered the moment she gave the "yes, I accept" who joined her to the host of program "My mom cooks better than yours".

As she has done over the years, the model Natalie Vértiz did everything possible to praise the & # 39; Lion & # 39; and dedicated to him a tender message of love Instagram ] Up to now, this publication has more than 70,000 reactions.

"Happy Birthday, Yaco Together we have created a paradise of pure love.For many years by your side … I love you!", Published Natalie Vértiz ] on his Instagram.

In response to the dedication, Yaco Eskenazi was not far behind and shared "I was not going to let the day end without telling you that I love you of all the fibers of my body, that I love to see you and see you sleep, that I love your love and the way I love you.You teach to be better and more man every day Let's continue my love, love ourselves without worrying about anything else, "he said Yaco in his Instagram

It must be remembered that the result of the relationship between Yaco Eskenazi ] and Natalie Vértiz was born Liam Eskenazi the first common child of the couple.

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