National Government to Unveil Unpublished Details of Peace Agreement with FARC | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


Only 17 days before the President of the Republic, Juan Manuel Santos, leaves Casa de Nariño and as a legacy for the country, the national government will reveal unpublished details of what was its greatest achievement, to achieve peace with the guerrilla group that had the most criminal background in the country, the FARC.

Documents that have been subject to reservations for the security of the process will be released next week in an act to be chaired by the outgoing officer. The information will be posted in the Peace Process Library with the FARC-EP, an initiative of the Colombian state that will be conducted through the Office of the High Commissioner for Peace of the Presidency of the Republic.

As stipulated, the delivery of the reports will consist of 10 volumes where the details, documents, speeches, minutes and most important photographs of the agreement will be attested, some delegations jealously guarded so as not to affect the course of the conversations held in Havana (Cuba).

Volumes that aim to focus all decisions of the agreement, will have allusive topics at the beginning of the talks, the installation of tables, the political participation of members of the guerrilla group, the solution to fight against the problem of drugs, confidence-building measures and non-repetition of criminal acts up to the social processes of rural areas where ex-combatants were concentrated.

The installation of this library will take place from July 25 and will take place, at the Teatro Colón, at the same place where the final peace agreement was signed and will end on August 3 in the city ​​of Villavicencio. [19659002]

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